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Give away valuable time for reflection, exchange & mentoring ...

Have you noticed that someone you care about has been dragging a problem around with them for a long time? Fatigue, stress, grief, sleep disorders, migraines, digestive problems, lack of body awareness, lack of self-love ... You mean the holistic approach of Ayurveda health, targeted yoga exercises & meditation can help this person to regain his balance?

Ayurvedic constitution determination is a valuable instrument to get to the bottom of one's own nature. In the jungle of nutrition and health tips, your friend or relative can then use this knowledge to identify and choose what is right for them. She also receives valuable tips on nutrition and lifestyle, which will help her to gain more strength in everyday life, to nourish herself and to have both feet firmly on the ground.

Is that the right gift?

Voucher Blissence Ayurveda constitution determination (90 min)

  • The voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. Should the price of the booked session change, an addition to the original voucher value is possible.

  • The voucher will be sent personally by email within 24 hours. You can easily print out the voucher yourself or send it on as a gift!

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